Austin Marathon Training, Week 5

I had a good week!  I’m hoping my momentum continues into this week, too.  I feel pretty proud of myself for the training I did this week – let’s get started!

Monday—30 minutes of total body

I created my own total body routine based on several different influences, including different core challenges found on Pinterest, my favorite Tone It Up workout, and a kettlebell class I took a couple of years ago.  The only downside of this workout?  Ole doesn’t understand what I’m doing on the floor, so he usually gets kicked my accident and then starts licking my arms and legs while I’m trying to hold a plank or something.  Dogs, man.  At least he was tired for most of the day.

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Tuesday—3.21 mile trail run with Ole

The off-leash trail was pretty muddy and flooded, so what was supposed to be a 4-miler turned into something shorter, since I couldn’t cross the creek in one part.  It was a beautiful early morning, though, and Ole had so much fun.  That’s always the goal, since his tiredness is what allows me to get my work done.

Wednesday—20 minutes of pilates + foam rolling

I watched this pilates video on Booya fitness, and let me tell you—it was more advance than I was prepared for.  I was able to keep up for the first 20 minutes, and then I turned it off when Ole started attacking me with his tongue and decided that foam rolling was a better idea than struggling to continue.  I know pilates are excellent for your core, so I’m going to try this one again in Week 5—if I keep trying, I’ll eventually be able to keep up, right?

Thursday—3.08 mile tempo run with Ole

I decided to test my speed a little bit, something I’ll probably do once a week or so in the time leading up to the marathon.  I was definitely not fast, but I did have Ole with me, and he likes to stop and do his business right when I’m getting into a groove.  It’s his thing.  He was actually dragging a little bit, so I wonder if I’ve been successful at wearing him out.  He was content to run next to me, and that never happens.

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Friday was a rest day.  This was mostly because I was tired and needed one, but also because I had a doctor’s appointment in the middle of the day and that threw off my day enough as it was.  (It was just a yearly checkup, don’t worry.)  Ole, H, and I walked to the creek so he could swim, but other than that, I was working most of the day.

Saturday—30 minutes of total body

I completed my total body routine for a second time—it kicked my butt on Saturday morning!  I’m not sure if that was because I was tired after a full week of actually keeping up with my training, or what, but it was a good workout.

Sunday—7.04 mile run

I did my first long run minus the trail.  Since I’m training for a trail half, I’ve been sticking to the trails, mostly, but my February marathon is on the road.  I wanted to see how I was doing for time.  I somehow managed to keep my average under ten minute miles, but my knee was pretty achy by the end of the run.  I made sure to stretch out, and foam rolling will be entering the agenda each Monday from now on.  I need to keep my pain at a minimum if I’m going to complete this marathon!  And I want it more than anything, I really do!

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I’m getting stronger each week, and this was the first week I started trying to push myself with speed.  I learned that I should probably keep that to a minimum, at least until the rest of my body is solidly strong.  It’s a work in progress, and it’s a challenge, and I enjoy both.

Until next week,


P.S.  I know I’ve been absent lately, but there are big things happening over here at Brown-Eyed Twenty-Something.  Stay tuned—I’m hoping to reveal the newness this week!

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